Breeder Celect Paper Cat Litter 20L


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    Cat Number:09BRC25


    Our uniquely formulated BreederCelect cat litter pellets are made in the UK from 100% from recycled newspapers with no additives or chemicals.

    The cat litter itself is 99% dust-free, ensuring the area around the litter box stays clean and allergies aren’t affected. The highly absorbent pellets naturally control odour and can be recycled with your compost after use. It’s also lighter than other cat litter, making it even easier to reduce your carbon paw print.
    Key Benefits
    Natural odour control
    No additives or chemicals
    Highly absorbent – superior performance
    Suitable for all cat breeds
    Economical – long lasting
    Lightweight – easy to handle
    99% dust-free – reduces tracking & will not mark floors


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