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    SKU: 149183 Categories: ,
    Cat Number:HW-S700D


    Discover a new dimension of audio with the Samsung HW_S700DXU soundbar and subwoofer. Designed with an ultra-slim profile and a stylish black finish, this soundbar is sure to make a statement in your living room. Boasting seven built-in speakers, a 250W power output, and 3.1 channels, it elevates your audio experience to unprecedented heights. Combining Dolby Atmos and DTS , it takes your audio-visual experience to the next level. The special built-in center speaker ensures you catch every detail, from whispered dialogue to the roar of helicopter blades. Additionally, with Q-Symphony, your soundbar works in perfect sync with a compatible Samsung TV, delivering synchronized sound from both devices.

    Additional information

    Dimensions 890 × 40 × 38 cm



    Titan Black


    1 Year


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